Sunday, July 17, 2011

Another Day in the Blag

Hello blogosphere,

Time to dream up something to write about. I will first of all, introduce myself. My name, for all intents and purposes, is Amber.  I hear tell that I am quite the talented writer, and since that appears to be the consensus view, I'm prone to believe it; but, I don't like to toot my own horn. As far as I go, I am, for the first time, a live-at-home-with-mom, full-time college student who is feverishly laboring away to churn out a degree in Computer Science within the next two to three years.

More about me: I have a variety of interests and talents. I enjoy drawing, writing, singing, dancing, painting, singing again, playing various instruments, studying, and - when I can - sleeping. I have always  been fascinated by languages, and speak a smattering of many. I am most proficient in Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, and of course my native tongue, English. Don't get me started on English. I'm not quite at the level of "grammar nazi", but spelling, punctuation, and grammar are near the top of my list of priorities.

...and, yes...I like anime, manga, Japanese food, and things of that ilk. No, I'm not an otaku; no, I'm not a weeaboo. Yes, I will teach you Japanese, for a price of course.

I'm not currently in any relationships, nor am I seeking any, in case anyone was curious. But, I think that is quite enough about me.

In any event, what is currently happening in my life is as follows:
  • I am taking College Algebra and English Composition and Rhetoric (HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA - deep breath...... - AH HA HA HA HA HA) for the next five weeks at Lone Star Community College in Kingwood, keeping my nose to the grind stone, on track to graduate in May 2012.
  • I am taking great leaps and bounds in the direction of getting my life back on the right track, since over the past several years it has kind of flown off the rails for one reason or another.
  • I am in the process of getting treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder, which I was diagnosed with in 2005, but have been actively denying and ignoring for the past six years. This involved joining a local BPD support group, and starting the process of finding a therapist who specialized in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, and the treatment of borderline patients. 
This blog will mostly serve to document my daily struggles, the inner workings of my mind, and to air my thoughts on various issues of the day. And by "the day", I mean "my day". It's likely to be very boring, but sometimes I discuss very interesting things, so stay tuned if you'd like.

Ciao Ciao, all!